Co-Curricular Competencies
NWHSU values student who contribute to the mission and vision of the University through co-curricular activities.
The special skills gained through leadership and service projects are acknowledged as competencies, listed alongside academic achievements on the official NWHSU transcript.
Co-curricular activities through which students may demonstrate attainment of the competencies include:
- Student club involvement;
- Leadership with professional associations;
- Volunteer and service efforts
A rubric describing the competencies, skills expected for each competency, and examples is provided here: Co-Curricular Competencies. Activity related to paid work, expectations of scholarship programs or classroom assignments do not meet the definition of an co-curricular activity.
Approval Process
We have established a process by which competencies can be awarded in the following areas:
- communication and public speaking,
- responsibility for a complex organization,
- professionalism, and
- awareness, service and community impact
Please identify which competency(ies) you are applying for, and provide evidence of accomplishing the skills associated with each in the space provided below. You may copy and paste from a word document if necessary. Your application will be automatically sent to the advisor indicated on the form (Dean of Students & Alumni Services, and Dr. Maiers for SACA). Your advisor will review your application, and either approve the competency, or not approve it with suggestions to you for skills to work toward improving in that area.
Application for one or more competency can be submitted at any time while enrolled at NWHSU. Awarded competencies can be revoked at the discretion of the initially approving advisor, Provost or President. Please use the following link to apply:
For competencies related to Student Senate activity – Student Senate Co-Curricular Competencies Request Form
For competencies related to SACA involvement: SACA Co-Curricular Competencies Request Form