Tuition & Fees
Doctor of Chiropractic Program Tuition & Fees
At NWHSU, we’re committed to ensuring that health and wellness education is accessible to anyone eager to heal and serve others. Our mission is to help make that vision a reality.
Below, you’ll find estimates for tuition, fees, books, supplies, and living expenses. Please note that your actual costs may vary from these estimates.
Effective Fall 2024 | |
Tuition average per Trimester | $12,912 |
Tuition Trimester: 1-9 Block Rate | $13,639 |
Tuition Trimester: 10 | $6,367 |
*Per Credit Tuition | $636 |
Total Trimesters | 10 |
Total Credits | 204 |
Other Fees: | |
Application Fee | $50 |
University Fee (per trimester) | $275 |
Lab Fee (per lab) | $50 |