Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Program Goals, Objectives, and Learning Outcomes
Statement of Purpose
The College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine prepares the next generation of healthcare professionals to deliver and advance acupuncture and Chinese medical care.
Master of Acupuncture Program Learning Outcomes
Our programs are guided by the following Program Goals that help to define and articulate the scope of our programs and how we will achieve our purpose.
The Program Goals for the Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine programs at Northwestern are:
- Build and maintain a team of experts skilled in their fields and capable of transmitting that skill to learners.
- Provide accredited programs that meet national educational standards and reflect the programs’ unique character as part of a multi-disciplinary university of health sciences.
- Recruit a student body with the academic skills, maturity, and personal commitment that will help them develop into competent and caring practitioners.
- Maintain a learning environment and academic standards that will ensure that students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary for the practice of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in contemporary healthcare environments.
- Provide clinical training in diverse environments that enables students to gain experience in the practical application of their knowledge and skills.
- Provide students with the education and support needed to pass the national board examinations.
- Support the ongoing educational needs of the acupuncture and Chinese medical community through continuing education and advanced programs.
- Increase public awareness of acupuncture and Chinese medicine by providing community outreach programs and community-based clinical services.
- Increase the utilization of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in integrative care environments and provide leadership in the advancement of public health and safety.
Doctor of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization Program Learning Objectives
Program Goals for the Doctor of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization are in addition to the overarching program goals listed above and are specific to the first professional doctorate program:
- Provide education in advanced clinical skills that blend acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in the diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical care of complex conditions
- Provide education in modern biomedical standards of care and current scientific thought, allowing graduates to effectively represent acupuncture and Chinese medicine when communicating with mainstream health professions.
- Provide practical training in the protocols and organizational structures of modern health care institutions, preparing graduates to serve as valuable team members when working in integrative environments.
- Provide education in the practical application and integration of knowledge gained from both classical Chinese medical literature and modern evidence-informed practice.