Continuing Education FAQs
Everything you need to know about continuing your education at Northwestern Health Sciences University.
Note on payment: We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, check, money order, cash or CBI gift cards.
You are responsible for checking with your professional licensing boards and/or other governing bodies regarding the clinical applicability of course content and presumed competencies which may be developed as a result of taking any course, seminar or other mode of instruction.
24-hour cancellation notice is required for a full refund. Some exceptions apply. A processing fee may apply. Online courses are non-refundable.
We reserve the right to adjust faculty, location, dates, time and tuition without notice. Please register in advance so you can be notified of changes. In the event we need to cancel a seminar, your tuition will be fully refunded. We are not responsible for any expenses incurred by registrants.
Have your card number ready and call (952) 885-5446 to purchase NWHSU sponsored courses. Some restrictions may apply.
Transcripts are automatically emailed every month. Check for accuracy upon receipt and file it away for reference. Your transcript may be requested by calling 952-885-5446 or by emailing your full name and license period to
We routinely apply to the chiropractic state or provincial boards for seminar approval in the state/province in which it occurs and the states/provinces directly surrounding it. Additional state or provincial board approvals may be requested by contacting us at 952-885-5446. A fee may apply, and application deadlines may affect our ability to apply.
In addition to the specific state/provincial approvals listed on the session detail page for each course, Northwestern is a CCE accredited University, which means the courses we offer are automatically approved by the following states: CO, CT, DE, DC, ID, IL, IN, IA, MD, MA, MI, MT, NE, NH, NJ, ND, OH, OR, PR, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, WA, WY, and Canadian provinces BC, NB, NF, ON, QC, SK, YK.
Some exceptions may apply. We recommend checking directly with your state/provinces for the latest rules about CE approval.
While noting your state or province of license on your registration and/or the attendance roster is helpful to us when reporting your hours, it does not ensure that the board application will or has been sent to that state/province. Northwestern is not liable for any expenses if approval is denied or a misunderstanding about approval occurs.
Northwestern is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education provider. Our approved provider number is 450464-07. Approval will be listed on the session detail page when applicable.
Northwestern is approved by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Our approved provider number is 78. Approval will be listed on the session detail page when applicable.
In order for us to certify your attendances we need to have you sign in and out on the attendance roster to prove you attended the entire seminar. If you forget to sign in or out, you will only be awarded ½ of the possible hours for that day.
The evaluation form is a powerful planning tool for future seminars it gives our attendees a voice in the planning process so we are sure to provide you with the most rewarding educational experience possible. They are delivered via email following the seminar.
Northwestern usually requests approval from chiropractic state licensing boards where the seminar is held, and boards of surrounding states. We are an NCBTMB and NCCAOM-approved provider and apply for courses specific to those professionals. It is your responsibility to confirm that approval from your state or specialty boards has been requested. Contact us at 952-885-5446 or to inquire about additional approvals (a fee may apply).
Every state and specialty board regulates continuing education hours differently, but Northwestern will send a copy of your CE hours earned to state and specialty boards that require information be sent directly from the school. It is your responsibility to understand your states or specialty boards specific rules and regulations.
At in-person seminars, you are required to sign in and out on the course roster at the beginning and end of each day to confirm your attendance.
At in-person conferences and symposiums, you will receive a name badge that includes a bar code on it. You will scan your badge at the beginning and end of each session to confirm your attendance.
At webinars, you will receive a link to Zoom when you register. You use that link to provide your first name, last name, and current email address to confirm your registration. Zoom will email you a link to the webinar that is specific to you. You must use that link to attend the webinar from your own device. In addition, you need to respond to the random questions offered throughout the webinar to ensure participation.
Online course attendance is confirmed by completing the course content to ensure competence in the subject matter presented. At the end of each course is a final exam. You must receive 80% or better on the final exam to earn the hours offered. You are allowed to review course materials and re-take the final exam until you achieve the required score.
Please note, we have been asked by some state boards to inform you that approval of this course is not an acknowledgment or ruling that any methods that might be taught in this course are recognized and/or approved by the board as appropriate in practice.
Please visit this page for more information: CE Seminar Proposal Form.