How to Apply to the Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Program

We are accepting applications for the Summer 2025, Fall 2025, and Winter 2026 terms!

Before you apply, review the admission requirements for Master in Acupuncture and Doctor of Acupuncture

Entry Terms: Fall, Winter, Summer

  • Summer 2025
    New Student Orientation: Tuesday, May 6, 2025
    Classes Start: Wednesday, May 7, 2025
  • Fall 2025
    New Student Orientation: Tuesday, September 2, 2025
    Classes Start: Wednesday, September 3, 2025
  • Winter 2026
    New Student Orientation: Tuesday, January 6, 2026
    Classes Start: Wednesday, January 7, 2026

We recommend that you apply 3 to 6 months before your intended start term. You should have at least half of your prerequisites completed when submitting an application.

Step 1 – Login to the application portal

Login to the Student Application Portal to start your online application. At any time, you may save your application, logout, and complete it later.

Step 2 – Complete the application

Application fee
There is a non-refundable $50.00 application fee required with submission of your application.

Request official transcripts
Have your official academic transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary institutions (including colleges, universities, vocational/technical schools, and PSEO credits) sent directly to Northwestern Health Sciences University. To request an official transcript, contact the Registrar’s Office at your prior institution(s). Transcripts from any previous graduate-level work are also required. Electronic transcripts should be sent to or by mail to:

Northwestern Health Sciences University
ATTN: Office of Admissions
2501 W. 84th St.
Bloomington, MN 55431

Provide the name, email, and mailing address of two references who you have known for at least six months. An email address and mailing address are required, so please have this information available when you apply.

References must be from persons who can attest to your professional and/or academic skills. References from instructors, employment supervisors, colleagues, or other healthcare professionals are preferred, provided they know you well. NWHSU will send instructions to these people on how to submit a reference. Relatives are not accepted as references.

Write a two-page summary of your interests and goals, addressing these questions:

a. Why are you interested in acupuncture and Chinese medicine studies?
b. How much background reading have you done about acupuncture and Chinese medicine?
c. Have you had personal experience with acupuncture or Chinese herbs?
d. Do you have any previous involvement in health or human services?
e. In your previous occupations and studies, what have you found to be most rewarding and most challenging?
f. Explain why you feel you will be a good healthcare practitioner
g. How will you balance your work and personal life with the program’s time and financial obligations?

Current résumé
A current résumé must accompany your application.

Minnesota Immunization Form
Minnesota state law requires us to have a signed immunization form on file for each student

International and Transfer Students

International and transfer students must submit additional documentation with an application for admission: