NWHSU Alumni Lead 1st International Interdisciplinary Sports Medicine Summit
In June, NWHSU alum Dr. Raul Carrillo led the first International Interdisciplinary Sports Medicine Summit in Monterrey, Mexico. The meeting, organized by the National Commission of Physical Culture and Sport, in collaboration with the Mexican Paralympic Committee, offered a unique platform to explore the latest advances in the sports medical field. The timing for providers across specialties to understand how they can collaborate to provide the best care for athletes is right. The meeting proceeded the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, as well as the Soccer World Cup in North America in 2026.
Fellow NWHSU alum Dr. Michele Maiers delivered a keynote address, “Evidence-Based Sports Medicine” Basing Treatment on Science, not Trends.” She also presented on the benefits and risks of spinal manipulative therapy, and sat on a “Grand Round of the Spine.”