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Michele Maiers, DC, PhD, MPH
- Public Health Competencies for Chiropractic Programs. Pedagogy in Health Promotion 6(4) 291-5., Madigan D, Maiers M, Pfeifer J. , 2020
- Comparing Two Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Accelerometer Cut Points in Older Adults with Neck and Back Disabilities Undergoing Exercise and Spinal Manipulation Interventions. J Aging Phys Act Nov 7:1-7, Malone Q, Passmore S, Maiers M. , 2019
- Assessing attitudes of patient-centered care among students in international chiropractic educational programs: a cross-sectional survey. Chiropr Man Therap-Sep 12;27:46, Hammerich K, Stuber K, Hogg-Johnson S, Abbas A, Harris M, Lauridsen HH, Lemeunier N, Maiers M, McCarthy P, Morales V, Myburgh C, Petrini V, Pohlman K, Mior S. , 2019
- Differences in function and comorbidities between older adult users and nonusers of chiropractic and osteopathic manipulation: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. Jul;42(6):450-460, Forte M, Maiers M. , 2019
- Spinal manipulative therapy and exercise for older adults with chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial. Chiropr Man Therap May 15;27:21, Schulz C, Evans R, Maiers M, Schulz K, Leininger B, Bronfort G. , 2019
- Short or long-term treatment of spinal disability in older adults with manipulation and exercise, Arthritis Care & Research, Maiers M, Hartvigsen J, Evans R, Westrom K, Wang Q, Schulz C, Leininger B, Bronfort G, 2018
- Chiropractic in global health and wellbeing: a white paper describing the public health agenda of the World Federation of Chiropractic, Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, Maiers M, Agaoglu M, Brown R, Cassirer C, DaSilva K, Lystad RP, Mohammad S, Wong JJ, 2018
- Functional limitations in adults who utilize chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in the United States: analysis of the 2012 National Health Interview Survey, J Manip Physiol Ther, Forte ML, Maiers M., 2017
- Culturally sensitive chiropractic care of the transgender community: a narrative review of the literature, J Chiro Humanities, Maiers M, Foshee WK, Henson Dunlap H, 2017
- Selecting and training opinion leaders and best practice collaborators: experience from the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative, J Can Chiropr Assoc, Bussières A, Maiers M, Grondin D, Brockhusen S, 2017
- What do patients value about spinal manipulation and home exercise for back-related leg pain? A qualitative study within a controlled clinical trial, Manual Therapy, Maiers M, Hondras MA, Salsbury SA, Bronfort G, Evans R, 2016
- Benefits, challenges, and culture change related to collaborations between complementary and alternative medicine and traditional research-intensive institutions, Med Sci Educ, Cramer GD, Guiltinan J, Maiers M, Laird S, Goertz C, Furner SE, Kreitzer MJ, Dexheimer JM, Coon S, 2015
- Adverse events among seniors receiving spinal manipulation and exercise in a randomized clinical trial, Manual Therapy, Maiers M, Evans R, Hartvigsen J, Schulz C, Bronfort G, 2014
- Short term treatment versus long term management of neck and back disability in older adults utilizing spinal manipulative therapy and supervised exercise: a parallel-group randomized clinical trial evaluating relative effectiveness and harms, Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, Vihstadt, C, Maiers M, Westrom K, Bronfort G, Evans R, Hartvigsen J, Schulz C, 2014
- Perceived value of spinal manipulative therapy and exercise among seniors with chronic neck pain: a mixed methods study, J Rehabil Med, Maiers M, Vihstadt C, Hanson L, Evans R, 2014
- Spinal Manipulative Therapy and Exercise for Seniors with Chronic Neck Pain, Spine, Maiers M, Bronfort G, Evans R, Hartvigsen J, Svendsen K, Bracha Y, Schulz C, Schulz K, Grimm R J, 2014
- I know it’s changed: a mixed-methods study of the meaning of Global Perceived Effect in chronic neck pain patients, Eur Spine J, Evans R, Bronfort G, Maiers M, Schulz C, Hartvigsen J, 2014
- Evidence Informed Practice as the Catalyst for Culture Change in CAM, Explore, Evans R, Maiers M, Delagran L, Kreitzer MJ, Sierpina V, 2012
- Supervised Exercise with and Without Spinal Manipulation Perform Similarly and Better Than Home Exercise for Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Spine, Evans R, Bronfort G, Schulz C, Maiers M, Bracha Y, Svendsen K, Grimm R, Jr., Garvey T, Transfeldt E, 2012
- Advancing Evidence Informed Practice Through Faculty Development: The Northwestern Health Sciences University Model, Explore, Evans R, Delagran L, Maiers M, Kreitzer MJ, Sierpina V, 2011
- Supervised exercise, spinal manipulation, and home exercise for chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial, Spine J, Bronfort G, Maiers MJ, Evans RL, Schulz CA, Bracha Y, Svendsen KH, Grimm RH, Jr., Owens EF, Jr., Garvey TA, Transfeldt EE, 2011
- Individualized chiropractic and integrative care for low back pain: the design of a randomized clinical trial using a mixed-methods approach, Trials, Westrom K, Maiers M, Evans R, Bronfort G, 2010
- Integrative care for the management of low back pain: use of a clinical care pathway, BMC Health Services Research, Maiers M, Westrom K, Legendre C, Bronfort G, 2010
- The development of a prospective data collection process in a traditional Chinese medicine teaching clinic, J Altern Complement Med, Maiers M, McKenzie E, Evans R, McKenzie M, 2009
- Patient outcomes at a TCM teaching clinic: a prospective data collection project, J Altern Complement Med, Maiers M, McKenzie E, Evans R, McKenzie M, 2008
- Ways of knowing: integrating research into CAM education and holism into conventional health professional education. Explore, Kreitzer MJ, Sierpina V, Maiers M, Delagran L, Baldwin L, Evans R, Chase M, 2008
- Chiropractic and exercise for seniors with low back pain or neck pain: the design of two randomized clinical trials, Musculoskelet Disord, Maiers M, Hartvigsen J, Schulz C, Schulz K, Evans R, Bronfort G, 2007
- Spinal manipulation, epidural injections and self-care for sciatica: A pilot study for a randomized clinical trial, J Manipulative Physiol Ther, Bronfort G, Evans RL, Maiers M, 2004
- What do patients think? Results of a mixed methods pilot study assessing sciatica patients’ interpretations of satisfaction and improvement, J Manipulative Physiol Ther, Evans RL, Maiers MJ, Bronfort G, 2003
President, American Chiropractic Association (2021-Present), Board Member, Integrative Healthcare Policy Consortium (2017-Present), Vice President, American Chiropractic Association (2019-2021) , Board Member, American Chiropractic Association (2016-Present) , Board Member, World Federation of Chiropractic, including interim chair (2020-2021), vice president (2019-2020), 2nd vice president (2018-2019) , Executive Council (2018-Present), World Federation of Chiropractic (including 2017-present serving as 2nd vice president), Fellow, International College of Chiropractors (2015-Present), Board of Governors (2016-Present), American Chiropractic Association (ACA) (including 2019-present serving as vice president), Council Member (2016-Present), Chiropractic Healthcare Section Councilor, American Public Health Association (APHA) (2010-2016), World Federation of Chiropractic, International College of Chirorpactors (2015-Present Fellow)