Be Well: Why Cupping Therapy Isn’t Just for Celebs

MSP Mag | August 10, 2018

From stress relief to smoking cessation, there’s something in this ancient Chinese therapy for everyone. Check out the latest Be Well edition featuring NWHSU experts!

“Well, I’m one of the cool kids now,” I said, marveling at my freshly branded back in the mirror. “Mind snapping a few pics of it?”I was talking to Greta Jeffrey, licensed acupuncturist at Northwestern Health Sciences University, geeking out about the constellation of red circles that dotted my back and upper shoulders. She had just performed cupping therapy on me, a traditional Chinese medicine practice where suction cups are strategically placed on various muscle groups to “vacuum” the skin, drawing up old, stagnant blood.

Read the full Minneapolis.St.Paul Magazine Be Well article here.