Dr. Jeffrey Advocates for H.R. 4803 in Acupuncture Today
Greta Hysjulien Jeffrey, DAc, LAc ’13 wrote about the future of acupuncture and the Acupuncture for our Seniors Bill (H.R. 4803) in the October issue of Acupuncture Today. This is the fourth article in a series on H.R. 4803. Last month, recent graduate Kailee Carlson, DAc, LAc ‘22 penned an article from her perspective as a student.
Dr. Jeffrey writes from her point of view as a practitioner, educator, and someone who has benefited from acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She argues that passing this bill is a first step to improve the overall health and wellness of Americans and to give more opportunities to acupuncturists.
“Every step we can take to expand patient access to acupuncture and Chinese medicine is step towards normalizing our medicine and a greater cultural shift to achieve better health for our country.”
Story by Kit Harlow, Chiropractic Student