WFC Secretary-General delivers commencement address at NWHSU
World Federation of Chiropractic | January 10, 2019
The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) Secretary-General Richard Brown delivered the commencement address to the 2018 graduates of Northwestern Health Sciences University.
The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) Secretary-General Richard Brown delivered the commencement address to the 2018 graduates of Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU).
NWHSU, located in Bloomington, Minnesota was founded in 1941 as Northwestern College of Chiropractic. NWHSU now delivers diverse programs, fosters clinical research, promotes individualized instruction and provides faculty development.
Before an audience of 1500 family, friends and wellwishers, 120 graduates received their awards at the prestigious ceremony, held at Northrop Memorial Auditorium, University of Minnesota. Many were graduating from the chiropractic program but those who had successfully completed programs in Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, nutrition and clinical massage were also recipients of degree certificates. Retiring faculty members were also recognized during the ceremony.
Degrees were presented by recently-appointed President and CEO of NWHSU, Dr. Deborah Bushway. In her President’s address she spoke warmly of the class of 2018 and the opportunity that lay before them.
In his commencement address, Dr. Brown reflected on his route into chiropractic and his years as a student. He spoke of the rights and privileges that Doctors of Chiropractic and other health professionals deserved and enjoyed, but also of the enormous responsibilities that accompanied those rights.
Read the full story from WFC online here.