Celebrating Summer 2023 White Coat Recipients

Celebrating Summer 2023 White Coat Recipients

This May, Northwestern Health Sciences welcomed the newest cohort of students into the clinical portion of their academic journey in the chiropractic program. It was a beautiful weekend filled with smiles and renewed energy with the spring season.  

The T5 students walked across the stage to collect their certificates wearing their pressed white coats. The ceremony was a reprieve from their busy summer trimester schedules and their Part 1 board exam preparations, and an opportunity to pause and celebrate their accomplishments.  

The white coat ceremony is held to signify a transition from a purely grueling science curriculum to a clinical-centered experience. While the coat may represent change in the realm of academia, for many it is a chance to reflect on their individual goals and desires as future health care professionals.  

“My white coat represents my potential to make a difference in my community as a future doctor of chiropractic,” shared Kai Badua, white coat recipient.  

Families and friends gathered to celebrate their future doctors. Next trimester, these students will get their first opportunities to practice their patient interaction and treatment skills in the DeRusha Clinic, one of NWHSU’s on-campus clinics.  

“As we gathered to commemorate the last couple years of hard work and worthwhile accomplishments, I couldn’t help but be filled with immense pride and admiration for the cohort we have become. Our unique blend of experiences will undoubtedly bring a new level of diversity and empathy to the chiropractic profession,” said white coat recipient Carson Park. “Together we aim to redefine what it means to provide quality healthcare and offer unwavering support and advocacy for our future patients.”  

Congratulations to the T5 cohort on receiving your white coats and good luck to those taking Part 1 boards this summer!  

Story by Kit Harlow, Chiropractic Student