Drs. Fier and Lawrenz-Smith Receive CAAHP Grant to Support New Course Development

Dr. Fier and Dr. Lawrenz-Smith received a CAAHP grant to support their new course, Application Pathways- a course for pre-MD/DO students.  

The course will serve to guide students through the medical school preparation and admission process. The goal is to support students in discovering schools that fit their strengths and abilities.  

CAAHP is The Central Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, an organization committed to the professional development of advisors for the health professions. It is comprised of faculty, staff, and administrators from colleges and universities. The organization has served advisors for forty years and comprises of a twelve-state, Midwest region.  

Dr. Fier shares, “The Application Pathway course uses reflective writing practice and targeted assignments to help students prepare their medical school application. The process will help students identify schools that provide the best match for their personal characteristics and values.”  

“The UG/PBPH program is committed to student success. The grant will help us help students achieve their educational and career goals. The application pathways course increases the opportunity for student self-reflection- they are the center while faculty and advisors function as support and guides.” – Dr. Lawrenz-Smith 

Both doctors commented that they appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with each other and use their respective expertise to strengthen the goals of the program and to serve their students.  

Story by Kit Harlow, Chiropractic Student