Liz Brinson, CST-D

Liz BrinsonLiz Brinson is a licensed massage therapist in Virginia. She has specialized in CranioSacral Therapy since 2004, is certified by the Upledger Institute at Techniques and Diplomate levels, and is a certified instructor of CranioSacral 1 with the Upledger Institute.  She is committed to facilitating people’s’ ever-deepening understanding of their bodies, their lives, and the relationships therein.  She offers a practical, comfortable approach, some humor and a good dose of compassion in both her work and teaching.


A Touch of CranioSacral – Overview for Massage Therapists
In this 2-hour overview of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), you will learn the history, principles, and applications of this light-touch therapy, and you’ll explore the subtle whole-body CranioSacral Rhythm and fascial restrictions in a new way. This gentle and widely-applicable relaxing technique releases tensions deep in the body to help reduce pain, relieve dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.