Award Notification

You will receive written notification of your scholarship award by mail, pending verification of your eligibility, according to the timeline below:

Scholarship Notification to be mailed:
International 1 month prior to the start of your first trimester*
Legacy 1 month prior to the start of your first trimester*
Merit Within 2 weeks following receipt of your final official transcript(s); timeline for notification may vary.
Diversity Within 3 weeks of these applications deadlines:

  • Incoming January class: October 15
  • Incoming May class: April 1 (School of Massage Therapy only)
  • Incoming September class: June 1

* Provided that your scholarship application is submitted and received at least 1 month prior to the start of classes. Scholarship applications submitted later then 1 month prior to the start of classes will be processed as soon as possible. The final deadline for submission is the first day of classes of your entering term.

NOTE: Scholarships will be awarded to each matriculating student who submits an incoming scholarship application by the deadline and meets the criteria as outlined.

If you have further questions, contact:

Office of Admissions