Welcome to Moodle
What is Moodle?
Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments. – Source: Moodle.org
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First-time users
If you are a new employee, your Moodle account will get set up one day after your official hire date. A representative from the Human Resources department will provide you with your network login and employee ID number. You will need these credentials to login to Moodle for the first time.
Access Moodle
Enter moodle.nwhealth.edu into your web browser, or navigate to the NWHSU home page and select Moodle from the Quicklinks menu in the upper right hand portion of the screen.
To login:
On the NWHSU Moodle front page, locate the Login block and type in your Username (same as network login) and password (initially this is your employee ID number) in the boxes provided. Click on the Login button.
Change password:
The first time you login, you will need to change your password. In the ‘Change password’ window type in Current Password (initially your student ID number), type in a New password and then type in the New password (again). Then click on the Save changes button.
Password has been changed:
In the ‘Password has been changed’ window click on the Continue button.
Personal Profile:
In the ‘Personal profile’ window, click on the NWHSU Moodle.
Access courses:
The courses you have access to will appear in the My courses block on your Moodle front page. Click directly on the course title to enter the course.
The My courses block will not appear if you do not have access to any Moodle courses. If you should have access to a Moodle course and are not seeing it in the My Courses block please contact the instructor to make sure they have made the course available to students. If they have made the courses available to students and you are not seeing it please contact the Help Desk at ext. 357 or send an email to it@nwhealth.edu