Scientific Review Committee

The Scientific Review Committee (SRC) has been established to reinforce the institutional mission of promoting research excellence. The SRC will review research proposals to ensure that they meet an acceptable standard of scientific rigor and merit prior to IRB review.

Scientific Assessment of Extramural Research Policy‌

SRC Membership

The SRC membership consists of a chair, 2-3 members (ad hoc members may be assigned based on the type of research under review), and a coordinator.

Criteria for Research Review

The SRC will review research proposals except the following:

  • Research approved for federal funding (DoD, DoE, DoJ, EPA, HHS, AHRQ, CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.)
  • Research approved for corporation/foundation/organization/association funding that includes an adequate peer review mechanism
  • Research that qualifies for exemption from IRB review

The IRB and/or the Institutional Officials may, at their discretion, forward any research studies to the SRC for review.

Research Project Plan (Word template)‌

Scientific Review Committee Procedures – Content Expert Reviewers

The SRC may request assistance of faculty or other expert reviewers who possess specific expertise relevant to the research project if there are questions concerning the relevance of the proposed study to the field or other technical issues beyond the expertise of the committee members. When this need is identified, either by the chair, the primary reviewer in consultation with the chair or by the committee itself, the chair will contact the Division or Department head for assistance in identifying a willing and available expert. The department chair is responsible for identifying and contacting the reviewer to ensure that they:

  • Possesses the requisite expertise
  • Is not a research team member on the project subject to review
  • Is available to perform the review in a timely manner
  • Is willing to undertake the task

Once the expert has been identified, the SRC will invite the expert to attend its next meeting, at which time the research will be discussed.

SRC Research Review Form‌