ACA Engage 2024: Senator Amy Klobuchar Signs on to S.799
Students from NWHSU Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA) chapter traveled to Washington D.C. for the 2024 American Chiropractic Association (ACA) Engage Conference. At Engage, students from across the country are matched with doctors and lobby on the hill to gain support for chiropractic bills.
Seeing the Effect of Lobbying in Action
This year, NWHSU students met with Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar. We were lobbying for the Chiropractic Medicare Modernization Act, known as S.799.
S.799 would allow Medicare beneficiaries access to the chiropractic profession’s broad-based, non-drug approach to pain management. This includes spinal manipulation, extremity manipulation, evaluation and management services, diagnostic imaging, and other conservative therapies. As stated by the ACA, these are important approaches in national efforts to decrease prescription opioid abuse and overuse.
Shortly after meeting with students, Senator Klobuchar signed on to the bill.
ACA Engage 2024
Students had an impressionable time at Engage this year. We got to spend time with their peers, network, advocate, and attend conference lectures. In vibrant Washington D.C., there was a plethora of sights, food, and drinks to experience outside of the evening socials folded into the conference agenda.
Marin Eeg, chiropractic student and first time Engage attendee, shared, “I had a lot of fun at Engage getting to know the students from NWHSU better and meeting students from other schools. My favorite part was Capitol Hill Day and talking to the senator and representatives. I had never been to D.C. before and thought it was a super cool city. I also met with docs from the area I want to preceptor with and got their information to meet with them further.”
Recognizing Student Leaders
SACA board members, Sebastian Bergeron, and myself, Kit Harlow, were recognized for our work with Leadership Committee last year. Fellow board member, Ihotu Ali was recognized for her work in CEDI (committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).
Fellow board member, Kirsten DeHaven, shared, “Engage 2024 was a great time to connect with other students and Doctors from around the country. It was amazing to see how much support we had on Capitol Hill. Lobbying was the highlight for me! It was great to connect with representatives and staffers to discuss the positive impacts of the Chiropractic field and the hopeful future of access in Medicare.
Story by Kit Harlow, Chiropractic Student