Efforts to expand access to Chiropractic and Acupuncture care
Your Profession Needs You: Support Bills HR 344, S 30, and HR 1183.
After two decades of advocacy, chiropractic and acupuncture could become covered benefits under Tricare, which provides healthcare benefits to service members, dependents, and some retirees. A policy proposal to the Defense Health Agency (DHA) would make these services part of Tricare.
In an effort to congressionally mandate chiropractic coverage within Tricare, three bills have been introduced on Capitol Hill: HR 344, S 30, and HR 1183.
While access remains limited, chiropractic has been a mandatory benefit for active military members since 2000. Access to acupuncture services, however, is more restricted.
Currently neither service is offered to other Tricare beneficiaries, which includes dependents, survivors, and individuals medically retired from active duty.
Call or write to your representative and senator today, and encourage them to sponsor the addition of chiropractic services within the Tricare system. You can also write your own letter in support of HR 1183, to include acupuncture benefits within Tricare.