NWHSU Condemns Bigotry Toward Asian-Americans
President Deb Bushway shared the following in an email to the NWHSU community.
In the past year, anti-Asian hate crimes have continued to escalate. As an educational institution, we denounce these crimes and stand in solidarity with Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific-Islander (AAPI) communities and individuals.
Faculty Senate President, Mary M. Tuchscherer, D.C., Ph.D., states “In light of the ongoing violence against people of Asian heritage, particularly the murders of the six Asian-American women in Atlanta, the Faculty Senate of NWHSU reaffirms its renunciation of behaviors that continue to escalate hate in our society. As educators, we have an obligation to speak strongly and plainly in support of our students and colleagues. The insidious evil that is nurtured by ignorance and indifference has no place in the educational process.”
In April 2020 our Faculty Senate took quick actions to uphold the dignity and right to liberty for all persons by unanimously approving a resolution condemning any and all bias directed at people who are Chinese or perceived to be Chinese. It specifically addressed the upsurge of bigoted and xenophobic attacks.
Please reference the news release and resolution passed April 9, 2020: Faculty Leadership Condemns Bigotry Toward Asian-Americans.
Northwestern Health Science University’s stance against bigotry, violence, and discrimination remains the same. It is imperative that as an institution we respect and value all individuals regardless of race – and during this time in particular we support and protect AAPI communities and individuals. We are one community. And we stand together.